Android Changelog
12.28 (22 March 2025)
- Fix regressions with web-ui and GPS api handling.
- Fix issues with PLAY command.
- Fix web UI regression
- New App icon
- Implemented USB support for CDC/Serial communications
import android
usb = android.openUsbSerial(0x16C0)
while 1
input k
n = usb.send(k);
print "sent "; n
print usb.receive()
12.27 (25 April 2024)
- Add new function android.request
- Add new function TRANSPOSE()
- Add experimental ioio-otg support
- Fix download error when there are duplicate scratch.bas files
- Fix TSAVE bug #205
- Fix bug: LINEQN tolerance
- Fix floating-point number round-precision bug
- Fix redim regression
- Fix: RTRIM changes input string
12.26 (31 March 2023)
- Fixed “0 IMP 0” returns now correct result 1 (Joe7M)
- Fixed DIM lower bound (Joe7M)
- Fixed EQV bug. “0 EQV 0” will return correct result “1” (Joe7M)
- Fixed INPUT #F; now supports up to 64 parameters
- Fixed RGB and RGBF now clamp parameters (Joe7M)
- Fixed bug in BGETC when using sockets (Joe7M)
- Fixed editor display issues with DOS line-endings
- Fixed for BIN and changes to return values of POLYCENT and POLYAREA (Joe7M)
- Fixed line-chart line drawing to use current foreground color
- Fixed printing chr(0) into a file or network interface
- Fixed setenv error #187
- Implemented STATMEDIAN() to calculate the median of a data sample in statistics (Joe7M)
- Implemented STATSTD() to calculate standard deviation (Joe7M)
12.25 (23 December 2022)
- Implemented a new web service for managing files via desktop browser
- Fixed a problem with TRIM which broke the TinyBASIC.bas sample
- Fixed RECT FILLED when the coordinates are inverted
- Fixed SPLIT command - empty input now gives zero length output
- Fixed display of floating point numbers with high precision
- Fixed functions Polyarea, Polycent
- Fixed crash with INPUT command while scrolled #160
- Updated CHART line drawing to use current foreground color
- Added link from About screen to privacy page
12.23 (31 August 2021)
- Fix array append regression #122
- Hide keypad on run. Show keypad for INPUT, then re-hide on completion.
12.22 (16 July 2021)
- Fixed ‘Socket Client doesn’t receive byte with value 13’ #112
- Fixed RGB handling with IMAGEs
- Fixed TSAVE of arrays includes extra null character. #119
- Fixed array access regression
- Implemented image.draw(), fix in andoid #115
- Removed “requestLegacyExternalStorage” for AppStore compliance
- Removed path navigation to show unified view of available folders
- Removed samsung keypad warning
12.21 (14 April 2021)
- Added range checking for the web services port
- Fix CIRCLE command to ensure radius uses the WINDOW coordinate system
- Fix to ensure the default VIEW is maintained during resizing
- Fix square bracket field access issue
- Fix crash when line length limit exceeded
- Handle octal escapes correctly
- Added option to preserve user data when app uninstalled
- Update path label when displaying project folder
- Implemented c-styles escape sequences
- Add support for inline assignment of export variables
12.19 (16 July 2020)
- Fix usability issues with samsung mobiles
- Fix ABSMIN/ABSMAX transposed #96
- Fix crash when passing non-array to CHART
- Fix to array destination
- Fix INPUT crash #99
- Implement DEFINEKEY undo #92
- Implement colour themes
0.12.17 (22 December 2019)
- Fix module access in newer android versions.
- Fix edit label display
0.12.16 (25 August 2019)
- Fix crash in ChromeOS when minimising
- Fix crash in ChromeOS when starting a second instance
- Fix crash using the Share command
- Update Android SDK build tools to latest versions (3 March 2019)
- Fix issue with POINT returning incorrect values
- Fix to make the editor status bar less intrusive
- Fix crash entering c,v in edit control mode (17 February 2019)
- Fix crash with SOUND when passing negative duration
- Implement SOUND playing in the foreground (21 January 2019)
- Fix setup screen colour display
- Show link to android page in about screen
0.12.15 (29 December 2018)
- Fix crash when using GOTO with a non-existent label
- Fix crash in editor when double tapping empty document
- Fix menu display on chromebook and other devices (16 November 2018)
- Fix navigation when network access down then available
- Changed UI display from black to be a slightly lighter onyx color.
- Update help tip in scratch window (14 October 2018)
- Fix crash when passing zero as format argument to DATEFMT
- Fix display issue with logo on about page
- Minor runtime optimization
0.12.14 (28 September 2018)
- Fix error message when command “LINE INPUT” attempts to read a non open file
- Fix crash when attempting to load an image from a failed network connection (13 September 2018)
- Fix problem with SEQ command
- Add limited support embedded octal values in strings
0.12.13 15 Aug 2018
- Editor now uses solarized dark colour theme
- Fixed an issue with the IMAGE command
- The build now targets the latest android version
- Updated path handling to remove hard coded /sdcard paths
- Updated the build system to use android studio
- Fix trailing spaces with LOCAL command when terminated with comma
- Fix TLOAD input error handling
0.12.11 30 Dec, 2017
- Fix issue with image save() command to ensure resulting array has correct dimensions
- Fix issue with display driver escape ESCm (reset scroll position)
- Fix potential crash when passing non string arguments to some built-in string funcs
0.12.10 24 Dec, 2017
- ANDROID: Fix crash when exporting from IDE
- ANDROID: Fix exit when navigating to non-permitted path
- COMMON: Add support code arrays declared over multiple lines
- COMMON: Assign multiple variables from an ARRAY (1)
- COMMON: Can now declare an empty array with: a=[]
- COMMON: FUNC can now use RETURN statement as synonym for FUNCNAME=result (1)
- COMMON: Fix FUNC call as pseudo class method (1)
- COMMON: Fix inline local variable declaration for complex assignments
- COMMON: Fix issue with INPUT command
- COMMON: Fix line number count when using multi-line strings
- COMMON: Fix potential infinite loop using the MAX command
- COMMON: Fix square bracket access to 2D arrays
- COMMON: Implemented Maxint system constant (1)
- COMMON: Implemented Nil system constant (1)
- COMMON: Implemented OPTION AUTOLOCAL runtime option (2)
- COMMON: MID, LEFT, RIGHT, REPLACE, INSTR, RINSTR no longer error on invalid pos input
- COMMON: Now errors when using a keyword as part of a MAP variable
- COMMON: Minor performance optimisations
- COMMON: REPLACE str argument can now be a number type
- COMMON: SUB can now use RETURN statement (1)
- COMMON: VAL command now ignores any input trailing non digit chars
- UI: The FORM command now reports an error when IMAGE input fails to load
- See 2048.bas for examples
- OPTION AUTOLOCAL causes all variables used only inside a SUB or
to have local scope.
0.12.9 April 15, 2017
- Allow input of special characters
- Added share command
- Fix ‘?’ key input using gboard
- Select alternative font
- Allow array access via [] characters
- Can now attach SUB/FUNCs as MAP fields
- Clear out of scope CATCH variables
- Create MAP from single line JSON without ARRAY command
- Fix internal error handling long string variables
- Python style here-document
- Update parameter handling for performance
- Added “Save-As” option to the file menu (thanks Josip)
- CIRCLE drawing is now anti-aliased
- Fixed cursor when displaying the popup while editing
- Added menu widget (three vertical dots)
- Improved CIRCLE performance
0.12.8 October 22, 2016
- Added android TTS handling
- Added android SENSOR handling
- Added android LOCATION handling
- Added sound. Play .WAV files using PLAY(“file://” + path)
- Fixed regression with array parsing
- Updated error message when calling built-in FUNC without assigning the result
- Fixed TAB to use character positions not pixels
- Fixed issue with nested try/catch
- Fixed error handling for invalid JOIN input
- Fixed SPLIT to include final empty position
0.12.7 September 17, 2016
- Updates to improve performance and stability
- Fixed issues with various keywords
- See “desktop release notes page”: for details.
0.12.6 May 15, 2016
- Updates to improve performance and stability
- Fixed issues with various keywords
- See “desktop release notes page”: for details.
0.12.5 February 13, 2016
- Fix POINT to return correct values
- Added “Desktop shortcut” menu option
0.12.4 February 1, 2016
- Fix pause and resume handling, see
- Added caching of online samples to avoid reloading over the network
- Pressing the back button from an online sample now returns to the samples home page
- The shell program now does case-less .bas file sorting
0.12.1 November 29, 2015
- Fix image drawing for large images
- Fix PAINT infinite loop
- Fix crash with online command if site is down
- Fix over scroll issue with line number widget
- Fix file manager .bas file case sensitivity
- Fix editor markup on map fields that look like keywords
- Fix scanner inserting line-no bytecode for empty or comment lines
- Fix editor run error message display time length
- Implemented calling IMAGE with another image variable
0.12.0 October 26, 2015
- Added built-in editor
- Fix display output before DELAY
- Fix LET when assigning a value to a MAP/ARRAY field
- Fix TSAVE with try/catch
- Fix PRINT 1/1000 and other floating point rounding issues
- Fix problem with 59 char INPUT prompt
- Removed obsolete/unimplemented keywords WSPLIT, PLOT2, UNLOADLIB
- Added multi-item case selection
0.11.17 March 22, 2015
- Now uses the Light Holo theme to display menus and messages.
- Fixed exit crash with android 5 devices.
- Updated to freetype version 2.5.5 and NDK version r10d
- Improved graphics and runtime performance.
- Source code view displays line numbers
- Source code view displays error information for program error line
- Line drawing now uses antialiasing to produce smoother looking lines.
- Improved syntax error messages
- Updated the PAUSE statement to allow waiting until a system event has occurred
- Improved INPUT widget including clipboard handling.
- Update INKEY to return ALT, CTRL, ALT+CTRL key information
- Added timer func support.
- Refactor FORM handling to use system object
- Update IMAGE handling
- Added WINDOW system object to control the ansiwidget
See the “Release notes”: article for more information
0.11.11 July 28, 2014
- Fix build to use correct processor optimisations
- Fix rotation crash
- Updated display handling for long clickable links
- Updated system menu
- Text size now based on system settings
0.11.10 July 19, 2014
- Add missing SD card read/write permissions
- Updated FRE command. -10 = Total RAM, -11 = Used, -12 = Free
0.11.9 July 17, 2014
- Fix crash in android 4.4 (tested by Joey and using AVD)
0.11.8 July 16, 2014
- Fix crash in android 4.4 (tested using AVD)
- Built with latest ADK
0.11.7 July 12, 2014
- Fix crash in android 4.4
- Sound now uses the music/games stream
0.11.6 June 22, 2014
- Implemented BEEP/SOUND. Only background play mode is supported.
- Implemented launch by URL. This allows SmallBASIC programs to be embedded in a QR code and launched from a separate QR code reader program. The URL format is smallbasic://x/CODE. CODE can URL encoded text, or BASE64 gzipped text. I’ll make a web page to create the image if there is enough interest. Note, programs launched via QR codes will not be able to execute any of the FILE based commands.
- Implemented screen layout handling to adjust the display when the virtual keypad is displayed.
- Fixed potential crash evaluating “a \ b”.
- Fixed a display issue when scrolling beyond the virtual screen size.
- The printed Web Service information now includes the system IP address.
- Updated support tools; android-ndk-r9d, freetype-2.5.3, libpng-1.6.12.
0.11.5 Jan 4, 2014
- Replaced battery drain error with console warning.
- Console is now a graphics screen.
- Fixed minor display and event handler bugs affecting some samples programs.
0.11.4 Dec 18, 2013
- Built with android NDK for performance and to allow future versions to use native app features.
- Added web service for remote file edit/run.
- Can now launch bas files from Android file browser.
- Added restart command.
- Supports empty parentheses in sub/func calls.
0.11.3 Dec 19, 2012
- AT and PEN now work with WINDOW based coordinates. This will allow programs written for PalmOS to appear correctly on modern mobile screen resolutions.
0.11.2 Dec 8, 2012
- Added the ability to change the font size
0.11.1 Nov 30, 2012
- First android release, built with Mosync