Nuklear - Create your own graphical user interface

About the SmallBASIC Nuklear plugin

Nuklear is a graphical user interface toolkit written in C and licensed under public domain. It was designed as a simple embeddable user interface for application. The SmallBASIC Nuklear plugin provides bindings to the Nuklear library. More information about Nuklear can be found at Github Nuklear

The Nuklear plugin is part of the release of SmallBASIC for Windows and Linux.

Using the plugin

The Nuklear plugin can be used by importing it with import nuklear. Because Nuklear creates a OpenGL window, it is not compatible with the SDL or FTKL version of SmallBASIC. Instead it should be started using the console version of SmallBASIC.

In Linux call:

sbasic NuklearTest.bas.

or if you are using the AppImage:

SmallBASIC-Console_12.24-x86_64.AppImage NuklearTest.bas

If you are working in Windows, then start your program with:

sbasic.exe NuklearTest.bas

Creating a window

The following code shows how to create your first “Hello World” window.

option predef grmode 640x480    ' Set window size

import nuklear as nk            ' Import Nuklear plugin

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Hello World", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then     ' Create window
        ' Render GUI elements and do other useful thinks
    nk.windowEnd()              ' Free window
    nk.waitEvents()             ' Pause until event

With nk.windowBegin() a window will be created, if not already present. Additionally the window content will be clear. After successfully calling this function, all the GUI elements can be placed and the responses to user input can be performed. Once nk.windowEnd() is called, all the elements get rendered. nk.waitEvents() is used to pause the program until an event occurs. Without nk.waitEvents() the next iteration of the while-loop would immediately start.

Placing a button

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

ClickCounter = 0

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Button", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then

        nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
        if nk.button("You clicked me " + ClickCounter + " times") then


Before you can add a button, you have to define a layout which can hold the GUI elements. This is done with nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1). In this case, a row layout is created. The width of every row is adapted dynamically to the size of your window, the height is 30px and one element can be placed per row. The button is created with nk.button(). If the button is clicked, the if-statement will be entered. Place all the code inside the if-statement or call a sub-routine which deals with a pressed button.

Displaying two radio buttons

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

radio = {value: "A"}

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Radio Buttons", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then

        nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 90, 2)"Radio Button A", radio)"Radio Button B", radio)

        if(radio.value = "A") then
            ' Do something useful


The current value of the radio buttons will be stored in radio.value. The initial value of radio.value is “A” setting “Radio Button A” active. The if-statement will be entered, when “Radio Button A” is selected.

Because nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 90, 2) is this time set to “2” two elements are placed in one row. You can try and set it to “1”. You will see, that then one radio button per line is displayed.

Dynamic rows vs. static rows

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

radio = {value: "A"}

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Radio Buttons", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then

        nk.layoutRow("static",  90, 310, 2)   ' fix sized elements"Radio Button A", radio)"Radio Button B", radio)

        nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 90, 2)        ' dynamic sized elements"Radio Button C", radio)"Radio Button D", radio)

        if(radio.value = "A") then
            ' Do something useful


This example is similar to the previous one. But now four radio buttons, two in one line, are displayed. The first two buttons A and B are arrange with the row layout “static”. The row has a height of 90px and a fixed width of 310px. Radio button A and B will each have a fixed width of 155px. Buttons C and D are arranged using “dynamic” row layout. The row spans the width of the window at a height of 90px. Button C and D have a width of 50% each.

If you run this example and change the size of the window with the mouse, you can see, how the width of the two rows change.

Show input boxes with labels - More flexible row layout

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

FirstName = {value: ""}
Surname  = {value: ""}

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Input box with labels", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then

        nk.layoutRowBegin("static", 25, 2)  ' Static row -> fixed width
            nk.LayoutRowPush(92)            ' Next element will have a width of 92px
            nk.label("First Name:")
            nk.LayoutRowPush(371)           ' Next element will have a width of 371px
            nk.edit("field", FirstName)

        nk.layoutRowBegin("dynamic", 25, 2) ' Dynamic row -> width depends on window size
            nk.LayoutRowPush(0.15)          ' Next element will have a width of 15%
            nk.LayoutRowPush(0.60)          ' Next element will have a width of 85%
            nk.edit("field", Surname)


A label is created in Nuklear with nk.label("MyLabel") and a input box with the command nk.edit("field", EditFieldValue). The string of the input box is stored in EditFieldValue.value.

In the example above the width of each element was defined in two different ways. With nk.layoutRowBegin("static", 25, 2) two elements per row will be placed. The width of each element is defined in pixel by the command nk.LayoutRowPush(pixels). With nk.layoutRowBegin("dynamic", 25, 2) two elements per row will be placed. The width of each element is defined in percent by the command nk.LayoutRowPush(percent), i.e. 0.15 means 15%. When you run the above example and change the size of the window with the mouse, you will see, that the width of the elements in the first line stays always the same, and in the second line the width is adapted to the width of the window.

When using nk.layoutRowBegin(...) the end of the definition for a row has to be marked by nk.layoutRowEnd().

Display a menu

Caution: menuItem() is not yet working probably. This will be fixed with the next release.

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Menu", 0, 0, "100%", "100%") then

            nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 20, 1)
            if nk.menuBegin("Menu", nil, 100, 80) then
                nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 20, 1)
                if(nk.menuItem("Item A")) then
                    ' Menu item clicked - do something
                if(nk.menuItem("Item B")) then
                    ' Menu item clicked - do something
                if(nk.menuItem("Item C")) then
                    ' Menu item clicked - do something


The example above will display a menu with one entry called “Menu”. When clicked, a sub menu is displayed with the entries “Item A”, “Item B”, “Item C”. The if-statements will be executed, when the corresponding entry was clicked by the user.

Draw basic shapes

option predef grmode 640x480

import nuklear as nk

color rgb(128,54,0), 1

while 1
    if nk.windowBegin("Draw Example", 2, 2, "100%", "100%") then
        [x, y, w, h] = nk.windowGetBounds()
        nk.line(x + 10, y + 40, x + 50, y + 40, x + 50, y + 80)
        nk.curve(x + 50, y + 80, x + 80, y + 40, x + 100, y + 80, x + 80, y + 80)
        nk.polygon("line", x + 100, y + 150, x + 60, y + 140, x + 70, y + 70)"line", x + 130, y + 140, 50)
        nk.ellipse("fill", x + 30, y + 150, 20, 40)
        nk.arc("fill", x + 150, y + 80, 40, 3 * PI / 2, 2 * PI)
        nk.rectMultiColor(x + 95, y + 50, 50, 50, "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff", "#000000")
        nk.text("DRAW TEXT", x + 15, y + 75, 100, 100)

Reference of supported commands


Button({Title | Color})

Title (String): Title of the button
Color (String): Color of the button, i.e. “#ff0000”

Creates a button with a title or filled with a color. Function returns True or False depending if the button was clicked.


ARC(x, y, r, start, end)

x,y: Position of center of the arc
start, end: Start and end angle of the arc

Draws an arc. start and end are first and last angle in radians.


Checkbox(Name, checkboxValue)

Name (String): Name of the checkbox
checkboxValue: actual value of the checkbox

Creates a checkbox with the name Name. State of the checkbox is stored in checkboxValue.

checkA = {value: false}
nk.Checkbox("Checkbox A", checkA)

if(checkA.value = true) then
    ' Do something


Circle(x, y, r)

x,y: Position of the circle in pixel
r: radius of the circle in pixel

Draws a circle. See example “Draw basic shapes”.



color: color of the colorpicker

Creates a colorpicker. The color picked by the user is stored in color.value as a string.

colorPicker = {value: "#ff0000"}



comboValue (map): settings of combobox

Creates a combobox. The number of the selected combobox is stored in comboValue.value.

comboA = {value: 1, items: ["A", "B", "C"]}


contextualBegin(sizeX, sizeY, triggerX, triggerY, triggerW, triggerH)

sizeX, sizeY: Size of the menu
triggerX, triggerY, triggerW, triggerH: Trigger area in pixel

Creates an contextual menu. Right-click in the trigger area will open a menu.

[x, y, w, h] = nk.widgetBounds()
if nk.contextualBegin(100, 100, x, y, w, h) then
    nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
    nk.contextualItem("Item A")
    nk.contextualItem("Item B")



Ends the definition of a contextual menu. See contextualBegin().



Name (String): Name of the item

Adds an item to a contextual menu. See contextualBegin().


curve(ax, ay, ctrl0x, ctrl0y, ctrl1x, ctrl1y, bx, by)

Draws a curve. See “Draw basic shapes”.


edit(Style, editValue)

Style (String): “simple”, “field”, “editor”, “box”
editValue: Stores the actual text

Creates an input box. The content of the input box is stored in editValue.value.

editA = {value: ""}
nk.edit("field", editA)


ellipse(DrawMode, x, y, rx, ry)

DrawMode: 0 = line, 1 = solid
x,y: Position in pixel
rx, ry: radii in pixel

Draws an ellipse. See “Draw basic shapes”.


groupBegin(Name, Style)

Name (String): Name of the goup
Style (String): ““,”border”

Groups several elements. The group can be surrounded by a border.

nk.groupBegin("Group 1", "border")
    nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
    nk.label("Radio buttons:")
    nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 3)"A", radio)"B", radio)"C", radio)
    nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
    nk.selectable("Selectable A", selectA)
    nk.selectable("Selectable B", selectB)



Ends the definition of a group. See groupBegin().


label(Name [, align, color, “wrap”])

name (string): name of the label
align (string): “centered”, “right”, “left”
color (string): hex color, i.e “#ff0000”

Creates a label.

nk.label("Left label")
nk.label("Centered label", "centered")
nk.label("Right label", "right")
nk.label("Colored label", "left", "#ff0000")
nk.label("A very long wrapped label - The quick brown fox jumps over the ...", "right", "wrap")


layoutRow(“dynamic”, height, numberOfElements)

layoutRow(“static”, height, width, numberOfElements)

height: height of the element in pixel
numberOfElements: number of elements in a row
width: width of an element in pixel

Creates a dynamic or static row. See “Dynamic rows vs. static rows”



width: width of the element in pixel

Next element will have the width width. Use in combination with layoutRowBegin(). If row layout is “static”, then width is in pixel. If row layout is “dynamic” width is in percent, i.e. 0.15 means 15%. See “Show input boxes with labels - More flexible row layout”.


layoutRowBegin({“static” | “dynamic”}, height, numberOfElements)

height: height of the element in pixel
numberOfElements: number of elements in a row

Starts a layout section were several elements per row can have different width. Use in combination with layoutRowPush(). See “Show input boxes with labels - More flexible row layout”.



Ends a layout section which was started with layoutRowBegin(). See “Show input boxes with labels - More flexible row layout”.


line(x1, y1, x2, y2 [, … , x40, y40])

x,y: coordinate pairs of the line segments.

Draws a polyline. See “Draw basic shapes”.


Starts the definition of a menu. See example “Display a menu”.


Ends the definition of a menu. See example “Display a menu”.

clicked = menuBegin(entry, nil, height, width)

entry (String): name of the menu-entry
height: height of the submenu in pixel
width: width of the submenu in pixel
nil: unused at the moment, set alway to nil
clicked: returns true if item was clicked, otherwise false

Insert a menu entry. See example “Display a menu”.


Ends a menu entry. See example “Display a menu”.

clicked = menuItem(name)

name (String): Name of a submenu item
clicked: returns true if item was clicked, otherwise false

Creates a submenu entry. See example “Display a menu”.


polygon(drawMode, x, y [x2, y2, …, x40, y40])

drawMode: 0 = line, 1 = solid
x,y: coordinate pairs of the line segments

Draws a polygon. See example “Drawing basic shapes”


progress(progressValue, maxValue [, modifiable])

progressValue: the actual progress value
maxValue: Maximum progress value
modifiable: true or false (default: false)

Displays a progress bar. The length of the bar is given by progressValue.value. Set modifiable to true, if you want to use the progress bar as a slider to change the value.

progress.value = 5
nk.progress(progress, 10, false)


property(name, minValue, propertyValue, maxValue, stepSizeByClick, stepSizeByMoving)

name (String): Name of the input box
minValue: Minimum value
propertyValue: Value for storing the actual value
maxValue: Maximum value
stepSizeByClick: Stepsize when clicked with the mouse
stepSizeByMoving: Stepsize when click + hold + moving the mouse

Displays an input box for numbers. The actual value is stored in propertyValue.value.

property = {value: 6}
..."Property", 1, property, 10, 0.25, 0.5)


radio(Name, radioValue)

Name (String): Name of the radio button
radioValue: actual value of the radio button

Displays a radio button. The value is stored in _radioValue.value. See example “Displaying two radio buttons”


rectMultiColor(x, y, width, height, color1, color2, color3, color4)

x,y: Position of the rectangle in pixel
width, height: Width and height in pixel
color1 to color4 (string): hex color of the for corners of the rectangle

Displays a rectangle with smooth color blending. See example “Draw basic shapes”


selectable(Name, selectValue)

Name (String): Name of the item
selectValue: value of the item

Creates a list of items, which can be selected similar to a checkbox. The actual value of the selectable is stored in selectValue.value

selectA = {value: false}
selectB = {value: true}
nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
nk.selectable("Selectable A", selectA)
nk.selectable("Selectable B", selectB)


slider(minValue, sliderValue, maxValue, stepSize)

minValue: minimum value of the slider
sliderValue: actual value if the slider
maxValue: maximum value of the slider
stepSize: step size of the slider when moving with the mouse

Displays a slider. The slider position is given by sliderValue.value

sliderValue  = {value: 5}
nk.slider(1, sliderValue, 10, .5)



numberOfRows: height in rows of the element

Adds an empty element. Use to define spacings between elements.


text(text, x, y, width, height)

text (String): text
x,y: position in pixel
width: width of the text element
height: height of the element

Prints text. See example “Drawing basic shapes”


not supported yet. Use edit().



TooltipValue (String): Text of the tooltip

Prints a tooltip.

edit = {value: "Edit text"}
nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
if nk.widgetIsHovered() then
    nk.tooltip("Test tooltip")
k.edit("box", edit)



Adds an element to a tree. See command treePush()


treePush(type, name)

type (String): type of tree element (“tab” or “node”)
name (String): name of tree element

Creates a tree.

nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
if nk.treePush("tab", "Tree Tab") then
    if nk.treePush("node", "Tree Node 1") then
        nk.label("Label 1")
    if nk.treePush("node", "Tree Node 2") then
        nk.label("Label 2")



Ends the rendering of a window.



width: width of the line.

Sets the line width.



Polls events.



millis (optional): wait milliseconds

Pause the program execution until an event occurs. If millis is set, wait millis milliseconds.



Swap drawing buffers.


[x, y, w, h] = widgetBounds()

x,y: position of the widget
w,h: width and height of the widget

Returns the position and the dimensions of a widget.

edit = {value: "Edit text"}
nk.layoutRow("dynamic", 30, 1)
[x, y, w, h] = nk.widgetBounds()
k.edit("box", edit)


result = widgetIsHovered()

result: true or false

Returns true, if a widget is hovered. See command tooltip().


windowBegin(Name, x, y, w, h [,flag1, …])

Name (String): Name of the window
x, y: Position of the rendered area inside the window in pixel
w, h: Dimension of the rendered area
flag1 to flag8 (String): Window flags

Creates a window and starts rendering. w and h can be given in different ways:

  • “400” -> in pixel
  • “50%” -> 50% of the window
  • “100% - 10” -> 100% of the window minus 10 pixel

Flags can be: “border”, “movable”, “scalable”, “closable”, “minimizable”, “no_scrollbar”, “title”, “scroll_auto_hide”, “background”, “scale_left”, “no_input”.


[x, y, w, h] = windowGetBounds()

x,y: position of the rendered area
w,h: width and height of the rendered area

Returns the position and the dimensions of the rendered area within the window.