QR Code

A QR code (quick-response code) is a two-dimensional image containing a matrix barcode. The code contains data like a string, numbers or binary data and can be for example scanned and read out with a smartphone.

Download the unit

The unit can be downloaded or copy pasted from the SmallBASIC Github website. Please save the unit in the same directory as your basic file.

Using the unit

import qrcode

color 1, 15


'### End of main program ######

sub CreateQRCode(text)
    local bufLen = qrcode.bufferLenForVersion(qrcode.VERSION_MAX)
    local errCorLvl = qrcode.Ecc_LOW
    dim qrcode(bufLen)
    if (!qrcode.encodeText(text, qrcode, errCorLvl, qrcode.VERSION_MIN, qrcode.VERSION_MAX, qrcode.Mask_AUTO, true)) then
        print "Failed to create QR code"
        local size = qrcode.getSize(qrcode)
        local border = 0
        local x, y
        local xs = 5                              ' Pixel size, increase to have bigger pixels
        local ys = 5                              ' Pixel size, increase to have bigger pixels
        local xo = (xmax - (size * xs)) / 2
        local yo = (ymax - (size * xs)) / 2

        for y = 0 to size - 1
            for x = 0 to  size -1
                if (qrcode.getModule(qrcode, x, y)) then
                    rect xo + (xs * x), yo + (ys * y), xo + (xs * (x + 1)), yo + (ys * (y + 1)), 0 filled
            next x
        next y