Structuring a Program
Written by Elmar Vogt, Fürth, GERMANY
This chapter will give you an overview about how you can avoid producing the notorious spaghetti code, and structure your program instead into blocks which are easier to debug and maintain.
Routines: Procedures and Functions
Routines (also called subroutines) are blocks of code set apart from the main code. This can be done for a variety of reasons, for example simply to break down a complex task into individual stages which are more readily analyzed and maintained. Another reason is reusability; if the program needs to perform the same task in several stages, it’s more economical to write the code once and reuse it as is necessary.
Routines come in two flavours: Procedures and functions. Syntactically, in SmallBASIC procedures and functions are almost equivalent. The only difference is that a function returns a value when called, whereas procedures do not. A function can only return a single variable, but this may be an arbitrarily complex map. If you need to manipulate more than a single value, you can also pass parameters by reference, see below.
Procedures and functions are defined by embracing a block of code between the sub or func keyword, resp., at the beginning followed by the routine’s name, and end at the end of the block. Parameters are defined as a comma-separated list of variables following the routine name in parentheses:
sub x(hoogla, boogla)
func y(arg1, arg2, arg3)
y= arg1+arg2
For a function, the return value is determined by assigning an expression to a variable with the same name as the function, in the example above in the line y= arg1+arg2.
Note that this is in contrast with most other BASIC dialects which use the keyword return instead. There, return also makes the interpreter exit the routine and return control to the calling code immediately. Not so in : Here, all code up to the end keyword is executed, with all side effects it may generate.
Routines may be defined anywhere in your code; they don’t need to be defined before they are invoked.
Arguments1 are passed to a procedure or a function when invoking it as a list of comma-separated variables and constants following the routine name. When invoking a procedure, the parentheses are optional, note though that you use this feature at your own risk. Parameter lists in the definition and the call must match in the number of arguments.
y(10, 20)
sub y(arg1, arg2, arg3)
is not legal.
Calling a function and not using the return value is no problem:
y(10, 20)
func y(arg1, arg2)
y= arg1*arg2
will cause no error. The return value is simply discarded. In contrast, calling a procedure in lieu of a function will confuse the interpreter:
my_result= x(10, 20)
sub x(hoogla, boogla)
creates an error.
Variable Scope
Routines help with the modularization of code by encapsulating the data, which means that routines have only access to a sub-set of all variables defined in the program. Most importantly, routines can’t read or write variables defined in other routines. Hence it’s impossible that they would accidentally overwrite other variables. Likewise the routines also maintain their own household of variables accessible only to them.
The keyword local is used to define variables attached to a routine. The variables come into existance the minute the routine is invoked, and they’re deleted again as soon as the routine is terminated. If a local variable (or a routine parameter) has the same name as variable previously defined (in the main program or a routine which called the current routine), the previous instance is shadowed, and the routine will access the local variable instead, until the current routine is left again. A local variable will also be visible to a routine which is called from the routine where the local was defined.
The following code may explain the behaviour. It differs in important details from that of other programming languages and BASIC dialects:
nagaqk= 100
zoogla= 200
? "In main:", nagaqk, zoogla
sub gluck
local nagaqk
nagaqk= 30
zoogla= 200
? "In gluck:", nagaqk, zoogla
sub boogla
? "In boogla:", nagaqk, zoogla
nagaqk= 15
zoogla= 99
> In boogla: 30 200
> In gluck: 15 99
> In main: 100 99
Let’s have a look at what is actually happening here. First, the global variables nagaqk and zoogla are defined and assigned the values 100 and 200, resp. Next, gluck is invoked and defines a local variable nagaqk which shadows the global variable of the same name. Thus, the value 30 is assigned to the local instance of nagaqk, not to the global one. As opposed to that, there only is one instance of zoogla, and the value 200 is written to that.
Next, boogla is called, which has access to all the knowledge gluck has. When the old values of nagaqk and zoogla are overwritten, this happens again to the local copy of nagaqk, but to the global instance of zoogla. Had boogla defined its own local copy of nagaqk, that copy would have been overwritten rather than gluck’s.
The writing done in boogla is still felt in gluck when control returns there. But when boogla is left, its local instance of nagaqk is deleted and the original instance (defined globally) returns to the surface unscathed. Note that for zoogla there only ever was a single instance. Had boogla had its own instance of nagaqk, the results would also have been different.
Note that local variables can be defined anywhere in the routine. But if you access a variable before it’s defined as local, you will actually create a new global variable first:
sub hoogla
zoot= 100
local zoot
zoot= 10
? zoot
end hoogla
> 10
This creates (or overwrites) a global variable with the name zoot and the value 100, then creates a local variable with the same name, assigns it the value 10, and then destroys the local copy at the end of the procedure, while the global copy still lives on.
Routines can recurse, ie invoke themselves again before they’re finished.2 Every time a new instance of the routine is called, it will also create a new set of parameters and local variables, while the old set is put aside and only restored when the execution of the current routine level is finished.
sub hoogla
local zoogla
level= level+1
zoogla= level
if level<5 then
? zoogla
> 5
> 4
> 3
> 2
> 1
The definitions of routines may be nested, ie one routine (the child) may be defined within the code block of another (the parent).3 Whether you define a routine inside or outside another routine has little bearing on the variables household of the child routine. But the child routine is only visible from inside the parent routine and its siblings. To any code outside the parent routine, the child will be invisible:
sub hoogla
local zoogla
sub child1
? "Here I am"
sub child2
? "I'm here, too"
causes an error in the third line, because child1 is invisible outside hoogla. The rest of the code will be executed fine if you comment out the third line.
SmallBASIC provides nothing in the way of static variables, ie local routine variables which maintain their value between two subsequent calls of the routine.
Passing Parameters
Per default, parameters are passed to procedures and functions ~by value~, which means that copies of the arguments are created for the routine. Changing these copies will have no effect on the variable in the calling code; both instances are independent of each other. This is true even for maps and arrays. This behaviour comes with a certain penalty, namely when you work with complex maps and do a lot of recursion. In this case, the interpreter is busy with copying lots of data which will also require a lot of memory.
To avoid this, you can require in the definition of a routine that some parameters will be passed by reference. In this case, no local copy will be created, but the routine will work on the same data as the calling code does: Changes to the value of a parameter are propagated to the caller. To employ passing by reference, the respective parameters in the routine definition must each be preceded with the keyword , or the reference operator :
bunga= 10
chaka= 20
hoogla(bunga, chaka)
? bunga, chaka
sub hoogla(zoogla, byref boing)
zoogla= 99
boing= 101
> 10, 101
Besides reducing CPU power and memory required, passing parameters by reference has the additional effect that a routine can write on the parameters passed. This enables you to write procedures which change more than one global variable at a time. Bear in mind that the calling code has no way to see whether it passes a variable by value or by reference; the behaviour is completely in the hand of the called routine.
Notice that this behaviour is subtly different from the use of the reference operator with a regular variable. You can (for obvious reasons) not apply the reference operator inside the routine’s code to a parameter or a local variable.
One-line Functions
Sometime the code required for a function is short and neatly fits into one line. In this case, SmallBASIC provides a more concise syntax for function definitions, namely with the keyword:
def hoogla(x)= sin(x)*cos(x)
func zoogla(x)
zoogla= sin(x)*cos(x)
Both definitions above for hoogla and zoogla are equivalent.
This does not work for procedures.
To modularize your code above the level of routines, SmallBASIC offers the option to include other source files, and to create libraries of units.
File Inclusion
In its most simple form, SmallBASIC lets you import other source files into the current file at runtime:
include "bunga.bas"
in the code will make the contents of the file bunga.bas available to the file currently running in the interpreter. ~First level~ code 4 in bunga.bas (will be executed immediately.5 If the included file contains a routine with the same name as one defined in the mother file, an error occurs; the old version of the routine is not replaced.
Think of it as a simple copy-paste operation.
Units are a more sophisticated concept in SmallBASIC which allows the creation of genuine program libraries with their own namespace and well-defined interfaces.
Units are kept in separate source files; each file contains exactly one unit which bears the same name as the file sans the .bas extension.6
file hoogla.bas:
unit hoogla
export zoogla, boogla
zoogla= "Hello world!"
sub boogla(name)
print "Goodbye", name, "!"
Inside the unit file, you can write code as you would in any source file, and define variables (simple and composite) and routines (procedures and functions). All of these variables and routines are local to the unit file, unless they’re defined to be public with the keyword export.
First level code is executed when the library is loaded, but it takes place in a separate namespace, ie a variable called chaka in the unit file will not conflict with a variable with the same name in the mother file; they’re two separate entities.
To use a unit, it must be first be compiled into bytecode. You can do so from the IDE, or use the command line:
sbasici hoogla.bas
which creates a file hoogla.sbu. This must be repeated after updates to the unit file. Then it can be loaded with the keyword import in the mother file which is to use the library. From this moment on, all exported variables and routines are available to the mother file. Their name there is a combination of the unit name, a dot . and the variable or routine’s proper name. With the above code segment from hoogla.bas you get:
file ragaqk.bas:
import hoogla
? hoogla.zoogla
> Hello world!
> Goodbye, Clint !
It should be painfully obvious that a unit can’t import itself again.
Most times a distinction between arguments and parameters is made in computer literature, but we’ll treat both as synonyms.↩︎
At least, they can do so to a reasonable degree of levels.↩︎
Don’t confuse the terminology here with child and parent processes/threads.↩︎
ie, code outside any routines↩︎
It is an interesting experiment to create such an include-file during program runtime and import it then. Effectively, such a program would bootstrap itself. Not for the faint at heart.↩︎
I was informed that this isn’t strictly true, but you can cause great confusion in the IDE if you don’t stick to that convention.↩︎