Network programming
Accessing the network in SmallBASIC
Use the prefix “HTTP:” with the OPEN command to open a network HTTP connection. You can then use the file number with the TLOAD command to read the data.
print "DuckDuckGo Search"
while 1
print '<=== when cycle around need to isolate input prompt
input "(Just enter quits) Term? ", queryTerm
if trim(queryTerm)="" then ? "Cheers!":end '<=== need a way out
"" + trim(queryTerm) + "&format=json"
url = open url as #1
if (eof(1)) then
throw "Connection failed: " + url
dim results
tload #1, results
json = len(json.RelatedTopics)
num_results = for i = 0 to num_results - 1
if (isarray(json.RelatedTopics(i).topics)) then
num_topics = for t = 0 to num_topics - 1
print cat(1); " "; json.RelatedTopics(i).Topics(t).FirstURL; cat(0)
print " "; json.RelatedTopics(i).Topics(t).text
next t
print cat(1); " "; json.RelatedTopics(i).FirstURL; cat(0)
print " "; json.RelatedTopics(i).Text
next i
Close #1 '<===== oh this helps!
Use the prefix “HTTP:” with the OPEN command to open an image file over the network. You can then pass the file number to the IMAGE command. This returns an system object which can then be used to manipulate images in the graphical version of SmallBASIC.
' open some random image I found on the net
open "" as #1
' the IMAGE function creates a 'system' object, this is stored in variable "i"
' the completed 'i' variable will then have three commands - SHOW, HIDE and SAVE
i =
' SHOW takes 0, 2, 3 or 4 arguments [x,y [,zindex [, opacity]]]
' printing 'i' will reveal all of its properties, these can be modified directly
' before calling show
print i
pause 2
20,20,1) i
pause 2
201,20,1, 56) i
pause 2
120,20,1, 56) i
pause 2
40,120,1,100) i
' you can create a second variable using the same image handle
' this allows you to manipulate the same image with a different set of properties
j = 10,25,0,5) true
Use the prefix “SOCL:” with the OPEN command to open a network socket. You can then use the file number with other input/output commands to interact with the connection.
open "SOCL:" as #1
print #1, "time"
lineinput #1, s
print s
close #1
If you omit the host name in the SOCL: string passed to the OPEN command, SmallBASIC will listen for connections from another host/process.
rem Print a date string like '29 SEP 2018 09:31:49 ACST'
func get_time
local today = julian(date)
local start = timer
local t_hour, t_min, t_sec, t_str
timehms start, t_hour, t_min, t_sec
rem TODO, format should support multiple arguments
format(" ##:", t_hour) + format("##:", t_min) + format("##", t_sec)
t_str = return datefmt("dd mmm yyyy", today) + t_str
while 1
open "SOCL:8080" as #1
while (not eof(1))
lineinput #1, s
if (s == "time")
print #1, get_time
print #1, "unknown command"
close #1
Web server
In addition to the graphical and command line versions of SmallBASIC, there is also a web server version based on libmicrohttpd.
You launch the web SmallBASIC in a folder containing one or more SmallBASIC programs, you then point your browser to a URL formulated from the listening port number and the SmallBASIC program name. For example:
in the current folder
$ ls cats.bas # program cats.bas exists
$ sbasicwon port:8080 Starting SmallBASIC web server
In your Web Browser:
http://localhost:in the web browser. Output from cats.bas displayed
If the SmallBASIC program includes graphical output statements these are converted to HTML5 canvas operations. Only a snapshot of the output is displayed i.e., you would only see one frame of an animation in your web browser.