Control Flow

Written by Elmar Vogt, Fürth, GERMANY

In this section we’ll describe a number of ways to establish control flow in a SmallBASIC program, ie everything which keeps the program from simply executing line after line of code. It deals with conditional operations loops, and exceptions.


if ... then

The most simple case is an if ... then construct, which should be familiar from other BASIC dialects.

In its regular form, it looks like this:

if temp>20 then
    print "It's a warm day."

The expression following if need not be in parentheses. The keyword then is optional. The keyword endif may be replaced with fi (which is if reversed …).

For more complex cases, alternative branches can be explored with the keywords elseif and else:

if temp>30 then
    print "It's really hot."
elseif temp>20 then
    print "It's a warm day."
    print "It's cool."

Elseif can be replaced with elif. Else will catch all alternatives, if none of the if and elseif branches are true.

Note that all the branches can be tested against arbitrary expressions; they don’t need to refer to the same variable. If you want to test a single value against several possible outcomes, select ... case is probably a better option.

Several if clauses can be nested. It’s your responsibility to make sure than they are properly closed, especially when you’re using many elseif/else branches.

If your deserts are small,1 and you don’t have to process much code in your if clause, then there is a single-line variation as well:

if temp>30 then ? "Hot" else ? "Moderate"

Note that in this case, then is mandatory, while endif must not be used. You can put several colon-separated commands between then and else and after else, respectively, provided you can fit everything into a single line of code.


As with the single-line option above, there is also an inline if clause. C users will be reminded of the x ? y : z syntax used there. In , it is the keyword iff, followed by a list of three parameters. The first is the condition, the second the result of the clause in the case the condition is true, and the third the result otherwise. The following two examples are equivalent:

nuffda= iff(hoogla, boogla, zoogla)

if hoogla
    nuffda= boogla
    nuffda= zoogla

Iff helps you to make your code more concise, and better readable. Since iff is simply a function, it can also show up within more complex expressions:

honka= "Hello, " + iff(its_a_boy, "dude", "chick") + "!"

which may or may not help with the readability of your code.

select ... case ... end select

Finally, many programming languages offer a simplified syntax for testing a single variable (or expression) against a number of conditions, and SmallBASIC is no exception.

Here, such a clause is introduced with the two keywords select case, followed by a variable or expression. Then, a number of conditions will be tested with case statements, before the whole clause is closed with end select:

nuffda= 10

select case nuffda
  case 1
    ? "1"
  case 10
    ? "10"
end select

Each case is followed by an expression (variable or function) against which the select case expression is tested. The select case expression is evaluated only once, namely when entering the whole construct.

Note that, compared to other programming languages, there are several limitations to the construct:

  • No break required or even allowed. This makes it impossible to achieve a fallthrough of several case clauses (intentionally or accidentally).

  • There is no way to compare for inequality (like case \> 5 – this would be an illegal construct), and

  • There is no default clause which would serve to catch the cases not dealt with explicitly (analogous to the else clause in if constructs).


for ... next

For loops come in two flavours with :

The first is the regular loop which you are probably familiar with from other programming languages:

for i=start to end [step inc]

The step keyword and the subsequent increment inc (which can be any expression, not necessarily only a variable) are optional; if they’re missing, the increment is set to 1. There is no need to add to the next keyword the name of the loop variable.2

The index loop variable i will be set to the initial value start, and the code inside the loop executed at least once. Upon reaching the corresponding next statement, the index is compared to the limit end given after the to keyword. If the index is smaller or equal to end, the index is incremented by the inc, if this is provided, or by 1), and the loop is traversed once more. (If inc is negative, the situation is obviously reversed.)

This means that to traverse through a complete array (assuming it uses sequential indices only), you must configure your loop like this:

dim x(423)
for i=0 to 423

The index is considered a regular variable inside the loop, and open to manipulation. This means that you can play tricks like:

for i=0 to 100000
    if i=10
        i= 1000001

Since the inc expression is evaluated after each loop traverse, you can mess with that as well.

The second flavour of for is meant to deal with more complex arrays and maps. It has a slightly different syntax:

for i in z

where z is an array or map. The for loop will be traversed once for each member of the structure’s top dimension (as evaluated by len, see ). The value of i is set to:

  • z(i), if i is an array, or

  • the next key of z, if it is a map.

In the case of a map, the map element can be accessed with z(i).3

dim zoogla(5)
zoogla(3)= "uffda"

boogla= [[4, 5, 6, 7], 2390023, [3.1415926, "hoogla!"], 99]
boogla("tchaka")= 500
boogla.bonka= 999

for x in zoogla
  ? x
for x in boogla
  ? x, boogla(x)

> 0
> 0
> 0
> uffda
> 0
> 0
> 0 [4,5,6,7]
> 1 2390023
> 2 [3.1415926,hoogla!]
> 3 99
> BONKA 999
> tchaka    500

Since it’s only determined at runtime which keys are used to point to map members, this method is necessary to make it possible to traverse through all map members in a loop.

For maps, there is no defined order in which the keys will be allotted to the index variable.

while ... wend and repeat ... until

When the number of times a loop is supposed to be executed is not known beforehand (for example, when reading lines from a file when the file length is unknown), SmallBASIC offers two different loop constructs:

while (expression)

until (expression)

In both cases the code block between the loop delimiters will be repeated until an expression will be fulfilled. Note two important differences though:

  • In a while ... wend loop, the loop is executed as long as the expression is true (ie, unequal to 0), whereas a repeat ... until loop is executed as long as the expression is false, or 0.

  • In a while ... wend loop, the test for the expression is performed at the beginning of the loop, but in a repeat ... until loop, the expression test takes place at the end of the loop. This has the consequence that the repeat ... code block is guaranteed to be executed at least once, wheres the while ... code block is not.

(expression) can be any valid term which will result in a value returned, like a variable or a function call. It can even be useful to employ a constant here, namely when you want to break from the loop somewhere in the middle of the code block. For example –

while 1
    ' read user input
    if user_name=correct
        ? "Name ", user_name, " is correct."
    ? "Illegal input"

In this case your loop should contain an exit statement (see below) to break out of the loop.

This also serves to emulate a do ... loop construct that would allow for a loop to be executed indefinitely which SmallBASIC doesn’t feature genuinely.

Pathological Cases

It’s syntactically legal to omit the expressions for while or until completely. In this case the expression is always taken to evaluate to 0.

With a while ...wend loop this doesn’t really make sense; the code inside the loop will simply never be executed. In a repeat ...until loop though the situation is different: This loop will endlessly be executed, and in effect such a construct without an expression for repeat will be equivalent to do ...loop constructs of other languages.

If you employ such a scheme, make sure that you provide a way to leave the loop, like for example an exit statement:


The keyword exit lets you exit immediately from the innermost loop it is found in. (This is equivalent to the C statement break.) You can specify a qualifier with exit, namely one of for, loop, sub, or func, which will make SmallBASIC leave the innermost surrounding structure of that type. (loop includes repeat and while constructs.)

Exceptions: try ... catch ... throw

Exceptions provide a fairly comfortable way to catch runtime errors occurring unexpectedly in your program. Of course, they can’t help with faulty program logic. Rather, exceptions are supposed to handle files not conforming to an expected format, hardware problems and the like.

Formally, an exception block somewhat resembles a select ... case sequence. It consists of an outer bracket of try and end try keywords, which delimites the regime of code to which the exception handling applies.4 Inside this bracket there are one or more catch sections, each of which applies to one particular error condition:

    ' error-generating section
    catch error1
        ' dealing with the first error case
    catch error2
        ' ... second error case
    ' and so on
end try

You have basically two options to catch errors this way:

Firstly, as shown above, you may provide several catch-phrases.5 In this case, error1, error2 and so on must be string expressions. Once an error is raised, these string expressions are compared to the error message associated with the error, and the first catch section which matches the error message will be executed,6 whereupon the try ... catch section will be left and the regular surrounding code will be resumed. If none of the catch expressions matches, program execution is resumed after end try, too.

Your second option is to provide only a single catch. In this case, error1 must be a simple string variable, and the current error string will be assigned to this variable (provided any error occured at all). The corresponding catch section will then be executed, regardless of the exact nature of the error.

The second option is thus preferable if you either want to have a simple catch all which will deal with any imaginable error in a single sweep, or, at the other extreme, if the error conditions you expect to encounter are so confusing that you’d rather dedicate some more sophisticated code to them than simple string comparisons against the error messages.

If no error is caused in the error-generating section, then none of the catch sections are executed. Errors raised outside the try ... catch section can’t be evaluated inside it. (The will have caused your program to halt already.)

If no error occured, but you feel facetious, you can use throw to create any desired error. The syntax is simply –

throw my_err

with the parameter my_err being the error string. (Outside of a catch ... try block, throw will cause the program to abort.)