n = WEEKDAY (dmy | (d,m,y) | julian_date)

Returns the day of the week as a number between 0 and 6. Sunday is 0. WEEKDAY accepts a string dmy as returned by DATE, a number julian_date as returned by JULIAN or a date given by the three numbers d for day, m for month and y for year.

Example 1

PRINT WeekDay(DATE)                     ' Output: 3  -> Wednesday
PRINT WeekDay(Julian(31, 12, 2023))     ' Output: 0  -> Sunday
PRINT WeekDay(31, 12, 2023)             ' Output: 0  -> Sunday

Example 2

SPLIT "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat", " ", wd
print "Today is " + wd(WEEKDAY(DATE)) + " " + DATE 
' Output: Today is Wed 13/09/2023
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