TSAVE file, var

Writes the array or string var to the text file file. Each array element is a text-line in the file. Every line of the string will be one line in the text file. Use \n in the string to separate lines.

See TLOAD for loading data from a text-file.

Example 1: Save an array

' Create an array with some data
A << 1
A << "test"
A << 2
print A                         ' Output: [1,test,2]

' Save the array. This will create the file myfile.txt in
' the same directory as your BASIC file
tsave "myfile.txt", A

' Load the file
tload "myfile.txt", B
print B                         ' Output: [1,test,2,]

Example 2: Save a string

' Create a string with some data
A = "line 1\nline 2\nline 3"
print A                         ' Output: line 1
                                '         line 2
                                '         line 3 

' Save the string. This will create the file myfile.txt in
' the same directory as your BASIC file
tsave "myfile.txt", A

' Load the file
tload "myfile.txt", B
print B                         ' Output: [line 1,line 2,line 3]
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