TSAVE file, var

Writes array, map or string var to the text file file. Each array element is a text-line in the file. Every line of the string will be one line in the text file. Use \n in the string to separate lines. Maps will be saved as a json string.

See TLOAD for loading data from a text-file.

Example 1

' Create an array with some data
A << 1
A << "test"
A << 2
print A                         ' Output: [1,test,2]

' Save the array. This will create the file myfile.txt in
' the same directory as your BASIC file
tsave "myfile.txt", A

' Load the file
tload "myfile.txt", B
print B                         ' Output: [1,test,2,]

Example 2: Writing maps as json data

' Create an array with some json data
A << {name: "Ben", age: 20}
A << {name: "Alice", age: 22}

' Save the array. This will create the file myfile.txt in
' the same directory as your BASIC file
tsave "myfile.txt", A

' Load the file
tload "myfile.txt", B

' Convert B to map variable
for element in B
    M << array(element)

print M
print M[1].age

' Output: 
' [{"age":20,"name":"Ben"},{"age":22,"name":"Alice"},0]
' 22

Example 3: Write a string

' Create an array with some data
A << 1
A << "test"
A << 2
print A                         ' Output: [1,test,2]

' Save the array. This will create the file myfile.txt in
' the same directory as your BASIC file
tsave "myfile.txt", A

' Load the file
tload "myfile.txt", B, 1
print "->"; B ; "<-"            ' Output: ->1
                                '         test
                                '         2
                                '         <-