FRE (x)

Returns system memory information. eg, 0 = free memory. If a value is not supported by the operating system, fre will return 0. fre() without a parameter returns the free physical memory.


x Description
0 free memory
-1 largest block of integers
-2 free stack
-3 largest free block
-12 free memory same as 0


x Description
0 free memory
-10 total physical memory
-11 used physical memory
-12 free physical memory same as 0

Alternative for LINUX with kernel > 3.x and ANDROID

fre can be used to read the values of the file /proc/meminfo. In a console please type cat /proc/meminfo. Output should look similar to this (but more lines):

MemTotal:        3630512 kB
MemFree:          117204 kB
MemAvailable:     601308 kB
Buffers:           52680 kB
Cached:          1002608 kB
SwapCached:        58640 kB
Active:           857224 kB
Inactive:        1781244 kB

To querry with fre the value of the first line, use fre(0), for second line fre(1), and so on.


print "Free memory: "; fre()
print "Total RAM: "; fre(-10)
print "Used RAM: "; fre(-11)
print "Free RAM: "; fre(-12)