DERIV x, maxtries, maxerr, BYREF result, BYREF errcode USE expr

Calculation of derivative.

  • x: value of x
  • maxtries: maximum number of retries
  • maxerr: tolerance
  • errcode: 0 for success; otherwise calculation error
  • result: the result
  • expr: the function f(x)

Example 1

' What is the derivative of f(x) for a given x

def f(x) = 2*x^2+2

x = 3
result = 0
errcode = 0

deriv x, 10, 0.01, result, errcode USE f(x)

def d(x) = 4*x ' Exact derivative of f(x) for comparision

print "Result of DERIV  at x = "; x; " : "; result
print "Exact derivative at x = "; x; " : "; d(x)

Example 2

' What is the derivative of f(x) for a given x

def f(x) = x^3 + 2 * exp(2*x)

x = 3
result = 0
errcode = 0

deriv x, 10, 0.000001, result, errcode USE f(x)

def d(x) = 3*x^2 + 4*exp(2*x) ' Exact derivative of f(x) for comparision

print "Result of DERIV  at x = "; x; " : "; result
print "Exact derivative at x = "; x; " : "; d(x)
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