PLAY string

Play musical notes, a mp3 or ogg sound file. The music string is composed of the following building blocks:

String Description
A-G[- +
On Octave n = 0..6, n = < moves down one octave, n = > moves up one octave
Nn Play note n = 0..84 (0 = pause)
Pn Pause n = 1..64
Ln Length of note n = 1..64 (1/nnn)
Tn Tempo n = 32..255. Number of 1/4 notes per minute.
MS Staccato (1/2)
MN Normal (3/4)
ML Legato
Vn Volume n = 0..100
MF Play on foreground
MB Play on background
Q Clear sound queue

To play a sound file use file://filename as string. When playing on background, program execution continuous. If the end of the program is reach, the playback will stop.

Example 1: Play a note

play "L2A"    ' note A with length 1/2

Example 2: Play multiple notes

' Set volume to 50%
play "V10"  
' Play Menuet by J. Sebastian Bach

Example 3: Play notes on background

play "MBL2A"    ' note A with length 1/2 on background
pause           ' make sure, that program will not end

Example 4: Play a sound file

' Copy a mp3 file to the working directory and name it test.mp3

play "file://test.mp3"
pause                    ' make sure, that program will not end