SEARCH A, key, BYREF idx [USE cmpfunc( var1, var2)]
Scans an array A
for the key key
returns the position idx
of the element. If the key is not
found idx
contains the value (LBOUND(A)-1)
. In
default-base arrays (starting with element zero) -1
will be
The optional compare function cmpfunc
takes 2 vars
and var2
. var1
contains the
value of the actuell element and var2
is equal to
. The compare function must return 0
or true
). When it
returns 1
, the search will stop and the current element
position is returned in idx
Example 1: 1D array of numbers
option base 1
1,9,6,4,5,3,7,8,2] ' 1D array with 9 elements
A = [SEARCH A, 3, ElementID
print "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 6
Example 2: 2D array of numbers
option base 1
1,9,6;4,5,3;7,8,2] ' 2D matrix with 3x3 elements
A = [SEARCH A, 3, ElementID
print "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 6
Example 3: Get the element position of the maximum value of an 1D array
option base 1
A = [max(A)
m = SEARCH A, m, ElementID
PRINT "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 2
Example 4: 1D array of strings
option base 1
"car", "dog", "house", "paper"]
A = [SEARCH A, "house", ElementID
PRINT "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 3
Example 5: Compare function, find first element greater than the key
option base 1
func findgreater(x,y)
findgreater = !(x > y)end
A = [search A, 5, ElementID USE findgreater(x,y)
PRINT "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 6
Example 6: Compare function, find first element which can be divided by the key
option base 1
func FindFirstDivider(x,y)
mod y) > 0 )
FindFirstDivider = ( (x end
A = [search A, 3, ElementID USE FindFirstDivider(x,y)
PRINT "Element: "; ElementID ' Output: Element: 6
Example 7: Compare function, find first element with string length given by the key
func FindFirstStringWithLenght(x,y)
len(x) != y )
FindFirstStringWithLenght = ( end
"car", "dog", "house", "paper"]
A = [SEARCH A, 5, ElementID use FindFirstStringWithLenght(x,y)
PRINT "Element: "; elementID ' Output: Element: 3
Code samples using SEARCH