SWAP a, b

Exchanges the values of the two variables a and b. a and b may be variables of any type.

Example 1: Swap numbers

a = 1
b = 2

print "Before: "; a, b      ' Output: Before: 1   2
swap a,b
print "After:  "; a, b      ' Output: Before: 2   1

Example 2: Swap strings

s1 = "abc"
s2 = "xyz"

print "Before: "; s1, s2    ' Output: Before: abc   xyz
swap s1, s2
print "After:  "; s1, s2    ' Output: After:  xyz   abc

Example 3: Swap arrays

A = [1,2,3]
B = [7,8,9]

print "Before: "; A, B      ' Output: Before: [1,2,3]   [7,8,9]
swap A, B
print "After:  "; A, B      ' Output: After:  [7,8,9]   [1,2,3]