ROOT low, high, segs, maxerr, BYREF result, BYREF errcode USE expr

Roots of f(x).

ROOT will find the first x-intercept of the given function ( where f(x) = 0 ) in the interval [low, high]

  • low: the lower limit
  • high: the upper limit
  • segs: the number of segments (spaces)
  • maxerr: tolerance (IF ABS(f(x)) < maxerr THEN OK)
  • errcode: 0 for success; otherwise calculation error
  • result: the result
  • expr: the given function

Example 1

def f1(x) = x - 2 
' Theory: x - 2 = 0 -> x = 2

ROOT 0, 5, 500, 0.001, result, errcode USE f1(x)

if(errcode) then
    print("No root found")
    print "Root at "; result

' Output: Root at 1.99951171875

Example 2

def f2(x) = x^2 - 2
' Theory: x^2 - 2 = 0 -> x^2 = 2 -> x = +/-sqr(2) = +/-1.41

ROOT -1, 2, 500, 0.001, result, errcode USE f2(x)

if(errcode) then
    print("No root found")
    print "Root at "; result 

' Output: Root at 1.4140625