i = INT (x)

Rounds x downwards to the nearest integer.

x\1 will convert x to an integer in less keystrokes than INT, they both round down for positives and up for negatives. They both drop the fractional part of the number.

Example 1

print int(3.3)      ' Output 3
print int(3.7)      ' Output 3
print int(-3.3)     ' Output -3
print int(-3.7)     ' Output -3

Example 2

'INT or alternate.bas 2016-03-06 SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA]
'I think number\1 is eqivalent to INT(number) in less keystrokes
' both of these convert a number to an integer and both round down to do it.
for i = 1 to 20
  'which coin should I use
  if rnd<.5 then TF=int(rnd*2) else TF=rnd*2\1
  ? TF,
  if TF then ? "It is true now."; else ? "Now it's false.";
  ?spc(3)+"press a key or click for next..."
for i=0 to -10 step -1 'they seem to behave the same for negatives too
  ? "     test = ";test
  ? "   test\1 = " ;test\1
  ? "int(test) = ";int(test)