r = CBS (s)

Converts C-style string s to BASIC-style string by unmasking escape codes. Escape codes in the string will be applied to format the string when printed on the screen.

See BCS to masked a BASIC-style string, and see article “Escape codes” for more information about escape codes.


' define some escape codes
const NORMAL             = "\e[0m"  ' = Cat(0)
const BOLD               = "\e[1m"  ' = Cat(1)
const BOLD_OFF           = "\e[21m" ' = Cat(-1)
const BG_CYAN            = "\e[46m"
const TB                 = "\t"

' Create a string with escape codes
BasicStyleString               = BOLD + "BOLD" + BOLD_OFF + TB + TB + BG_CYAN + "COLORFULL BG" + NORMAL
CStyleString                   = bcs(BasicStyleString)
BackConverted_BasicStyleString = cbs(CStyleString)

print "Basic-style string            : "; BasicStyleString
print "C-style string                : "; CStyleString
print "Back conversion to basic style: "; BackConverted_BasicStyleString

' Output will be (with colors and in bold)
' Basic-style string            : BOLD      COLORFULL BG
' C-style string                : \e[1mBOLD\e[21m\t\t\e[46mCOLORFULL BG\e[0m
' Back conversion to basic style: BOLD      COLORFULL BG
Code samples using CBS