s = REPLACE (source, pos, str [, len])

Writes the string str into string source at position pos and returns the new string. This function replaces len characters. The default value of len is the length of str.

Example 1:

print replace("abcdef", 3, "1")                 ' Output: ab1def
print replace("abcdef", 3, "12")                ' Output: ab12ef
print replace("abcdef", 3, "123")               ' Output: ab123f
print replace("abcdef", 3, "1234")              ' Output: ab1234
print replace("abcdef", 3, "1234", 0)           ' Output: ab1234cdef <- inserted, no replacement
print replace("abcdef", 3, "1234", 1)           ' Output: ab1234def  <- only c was replaced
print replace("abcdef", 3, "1234", 2)           ' Output: ab1234ef   <- only cd was replaced
print replace("abcdef", 3, "", len("abcdef"))   ' Output: ab         <- cut

Example 2:

Const TEXT = "Red Green Blue"   ' Text to replace:
Const Len_TEXT = Len(TEXT)
Const BLANKS = Len_TEXT - Len(Translate(TEXT, " ", "")) ' number of blanks in TEXT
Const ESCS = Chr(27) + "["
Const BG_BLACK = ESCS + "40m"
Const BG_RED = ESCS + "41m"
Const BG_GREEN = ESCS + "42m"
Const BG_BLUE = ESCS + "44m"
Const BG_YELLOW = ESCS + "43m"

' Helper to print the "name of color" with its color:  
func colors(s)
  s = Translate(s, "Red",    BG_RED + "Red" + BG_BLACK)
  s = Translate(s, "Green",  BG_GREEN + "Green" + BG_BLACK)
  s = Translate(s, "Blue",   BG_BLUE + "Blue" + BG_BLACK)
  s = Translate(s, "Yellow", BG_YELLOW + "Yellow" + BG_BLACK)
  s = Translate(s, " ", "_")
  colors = s  
End Func

Def lset(s) = Replace(Space(30), 1, s + ": ")  ' left justify s in buffer

color 15,0

' Syntax: REPLACE (source, pos, str [, len]):
? lset("TEXT is"); colors(TEXT)
? lset("Replace Green with Yellow"); colors(Replace(TEXT, 5, "Yellow", 5))
? lset("Append Yellow");             colors(Replace(TEXT, Len_TEXT + 1, " Yellow"))
? lset("Prepend Yellow");            colors(Replace(TEXT, 1, "Yellow ", 0))
? lset("Insert Yellow after Red");   colors(Replace(TEXT, 5, "Yellow ", 0))
? lset("Delete Green"); colors(Replace(TEXT, 5, "", 6))
? lset("Chop Red");     colors(Replace(TEXT, 1, "", 4))
? lset("Chop Blue");    colors(Replace(TEXT, Instr(TEXT, " Blue"), "", Len(" Blue")))
? lset("Left justify TEXT in buffer");  colors(Replace(Space(30), 1, TEXT))
? lset("Right justify TEXT in buffer"); colors(Replace(Space(30), 30 - Len_TEXT + 1, TEXT))
? lset("Center TEXT in buffer");        colors(Replace(Space(30), 15 - (Len_TEXT \ 2) + 1, TEXT))
? lset("(Justify TEXT in buffer)"); colors(Translate(TEXT, " ", Space((30 + BLANKS - Len_TEXT) / BLANKS)))
? lset("Replace TEXT with Yellow");  colors(Replace(TEXT, 1, "Yellow", Len_TEXT))
? lset("Override TEXT with Yellow"); colors(Replace(TEXT, (Len_TEXT / 2) - 3 + 1, "Yellow"))
? lset("Delete TEXT");               colors(Replace(TEXT, 1, "", Len_TEXT))
? lset("Create TEXT");               colors(Replace("", 1, TEXT))