s = DISCLOSE (str [, pairs [, ignore-pairs]])

Discloses the string str. pairs is a string of 2n characters. Two consecutive characters form a pair. The characters of str which are positioned between the first matching pair of pairs will be returned. ignore-pairs is a string with 2n characters. Two consecutive characters form a ignore-pair. All characters of str between an ignore-pair will be ignored (not returned).

if pairs and ingnore-pairs are not given, the following default pairs and ignore pairs will be used:

First non white-space character Check Ignore
” ” ’ ’
’ ’ ” ”
( () ” ” ’ ’
[ [] ” ” ’ ’
{ {} ” ” ’ ’
< <> ” ” ’ ’

Example 1: Disclose default pairs

s = "(abc)"
print disclose(s)                        ' Output: abc

Example 2: Disclose non-default pairs

s = "_abc_"
print disclose(s, "__")                  ' Output: abc

s = "([abc])"
print disclose(s, "[]")                  ' Output: abc

s = "([abc])"
print disclose(s, "[)")                  ' Output: abc]

s = "[(abc)]"
print disclose(s, "()[]")                ' Output: (abc)

s = "abc (def)"
print disclose(s, "()")                  ' Output: def

s = "abc (d(ef))"
print disclose(s, "()")                  ' Output: d(ef)

Example 3: Disclose with ignore-pairs

s = "abc [d(ef)] (gh)"
print disclose(s, "()", "[]")            ' Output: gh
Code samples using DISCLOSE