s = SPC (n)

Returns a string of n spaces.

SPC is identical to SPACE.

Example 1:

print "A" + spc(5) + "B"    ' Output: A     B

Example 2: Insert string into a buffer

' s is a string ("" or longer); l is length of buffer (0+);
Def lset(s, l) = Left(s + Spc(l), l) ' left justify text
Def rset(s, l) = Right(Spc(l) + s, l) ' right justify text

Const buffer = 10 ' length of buffer

While True Do
  Color 7, 0: Cls
  Print "[ Using a buffer of "; buffer; " spaces ]"
  Input "Enter text into buffer (Enter 'S' to stop): ", text
  IF text = "S" Or text = "s" Then
  Color 7, 0: Locate 5, 0: Print "Left justified:  ";
  Color 0, 7: Print lset(text, buffer);
  Color 7, 0: Locate 7, 0: Print "Right justified: ";
  Color 0, 7: Print rset(text, buffer);