The TRY statement introduces a TRY/CATCH block. A try/catch block consist of the following structure:


The TRY statement starts a block of commands which might create a run-time error.

CATCH [var | expr]

The CATCH statement is used to catch a run-time error of one of the commands in the try-block. This is typically used with errors raised when calling a file system command that cannot be completed, for example attempting to open a non-existent file.

The CATCH statement has two modes. You can supply a variable argument to store the error string. Alternatively you can supply an expression. When the raised error matches the (String) expression, the error will be caught. When using the expression mode, you can supply a succession of CATCH statements to handle various error messages separately.


The END TRY statement marks the end of a TRY/CATCH block.

Example 1: Opening a non-existing file for reading

    ' DON'T use existing file for demo.
    open "try demo.tmp" for input  as #1
catch err
    print err
    ' Some error handling could be implemented here
    ' i.e: if(err = "...") then ...
end try

print "This point is reach, even if opening the file was not possible"

Example 2: Open COM-Port

  open "com2000:" AS #1
catch err
  print "open failed: ";err
end try

Example 3: Using error expressions

    ' DON'T use existing file for demo.
    open "demo.tmp" for input  as #1            ' Replace "demo.tmp" by "?.tmp"
    print "File not found"
    ' Some error handling could be implemented here    
    goto aftertrycatch
    print "Filename not allowed"
    ' Some error handling could be implemented here    
end try

label aftertrycatch
print "end of program"

Example 4: Advanced error handling for opening files

' See also: Home -- Articles -- TRY / CATCH
Const FILE_NAME = "try demo.tmp" ' -- DON'T use existing file for demo.
' OPEN file or device safely:
Func opens(filename, mode)
  Local fn = Freefile
    Select Case Lcase(mode)
    Case "input" : Open filename For Input  As #fn
    Case "output": Open filename For Output As #fn
    Case "append": Open filename For Append As #fn
    Case Else: ? "opens(): Bad open mode at line " + Progline: Stop
    End Select
    opens = fn ' file opened, return file-handle (integer 1 to 256)
  Catch err
    ? err; " ";
    opens = 0  ' cannot open file, return 0 (FALSE)
  End Try
End Func

' helper for demo:
Func demo(demo_number, open_mode)
  Local fn
  Color 14
  ?: ? Using " Demo #: "; demo_number;
  Color 7
  fn = opens(FILE_NAME, open_mode) ' Open file safely
  If fn Then ? "File-handle is: "; fn; " ";
  demo = fn ' return file-handle or 0 if error.
End Func

Kill FILE_NAME ' delete file before demo
fn = demo(1, "INPUT")
If fn Then Close #fn
fn = demo(2, "OUTPUT")
If fn Then
  ? #fn, "Demo 2 Works!"
  Close #fn
fn = demo(3, "APPEND")
If fn Then
  ? #fn, "Demo 3 Works!"
  Close #fn
fn = demo(4, "APPEND")
If fn Then
  lines = ["Demo 4 Works!"]
  Tsave #fn, lines
  Close #fn
fn = demo(5, "INPUT")
If fn Then
  Tload #fn, lines
  ? lines;
  Close #fn
fn = demo(6, "INPUTX")
If fn Then
  Tload #fn, lines
  ? lines;
  Close #fn
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