y = a NAND b

Bitwise exclusive NOT AND.

Truth table:

a b a NAND b
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Example 1

The NOT-operation as part of NAND performs a bitwise inversion on all bits of a number. This leads to the following (maybe unexpected) result:

print 1 NAND 1   ' Output: 11111111111111111111111111111110

Example 2: Operate NAND only on last n bits

If you want to operate NAND only on the last n bits of the numbers, you can use the following code:

n = 4
a = 0b1101
b = 0b1001

print bin((a NAND b) BAND ((1 lshift n ) - 1)) 

' Output 110

Example 3: Two’s complement

Two’s complement is a mathematical operation to reversibly convert a positive binary number into a negative binary number with equivalent negative value. (Wikipedia)

' Two's complement is the standard way of representing negative integers in binary. 
' The sign is changed by inverting all of the bits and adding one.

Def invsgn(n) = ((n Nand n) + 1) - Frac(n)              ' invert the sign of n

While True Do
  Input "Enter a number (Enter empty to stop) : ", n
  If Isstring(n) Then
  Print "This is the number with inverted sign: "; invsgn(n)
Code samples using NAND
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