m = a MOD b

Calculates the Modulus. Returns the remainder of a/b as integer. Equivalent syntax to % and MDL.

Example 1

print  5 mod 2    ' Output 1
print 12 mod 5    ' Output 2

Example 2: ASCII table

' LOCATE MOD CHR ASC.bas  SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2016-03-23
' LOCATE row, column    : sets the next print location on screen, rows down, columns across
' a MOD b               : returns the remainder of a/b as integer 
' CHR                   : returns the CHaRracter for the ASC number
'                         for demo we will print a chart of CHR for ASC numbers 32-128
' ASC(Character)        : is a number code for a print characters, 32 is the code for a space
' ?                     : is shortcut for PRINT
' RIGHT(string,n)       : returns right most n characters of string
' STR(n)                : returns a number in string form
' :                     : code statement seperator often used with LOCATE row, column : ? string

LOCATE 1,16 : PRINT "ASC Table 30-129:"     ' locate print spot, print title for our app
FOR column = 0 to 9                         ' print a header, 10 numbers plus + (to add to row value)
    LOCATE 2, column * 5 + 4 : PRINT "+"; column
FOR row = 3 to 12
    LOCATE row, 0 : ? RIGHT(" " + STR(row * 10) + ":", 4)
'main table
FOR ASCnumber = 30 to 129                   ' note ASC(32) = space so wont see anything in Table
    row = ASCnumber \ 10                    ' \ rounds division down to integer
    column = (ASCnumber MOD 10) * 5 + 5     ' times 5 to space out the characters printed plus 5 for column labels
    LOCATE row, column : ? CHR(ASCnumber)

Example 2: Prime or lowest divisor table

' more MOD.bas  SmallBASIC 0.12.2 [B+=MGA] 2016-03-23
' n MOD m - returns the remainder of n divided by m, if 0 then m divides n perfectly
' another way to do MOD in SmallBASIC is to use symbol %, n%m is same as n MOD m
' MOD is great to tell if a number is divisible by another (leaves no remainders)
' a number not divisible by any number less to it other than 1, is called a prime number
' here we will list first 100 numbers and tell if prime or give the lowest divisor

'table setup: title header and row labels
LOCATE 0,0 : PRINT "P=Prime or Lowest Divisor Table"
FOR column = 0 to 9                         ' print a header, 10 numbers plus + (to add to row value)
    LOCATE 2, column * 2 + 7 : PRINT "+"; column
FOR row=3 to 12
    LOCATE row, 0 : PRINT RIGHT("    "+STR(row * 10 - 30) + ":", 6)

'main table data
FOR n= 1 to 99
    IF n = 1 THEN 
        report = " O"                       ' one is one, neither prime nor not prime
        report = " P"                       ' letter code for Prime
        FOR i = 2 TO n - 1
            IF n % i = 0 THEN               ' <== if n MOD i=0 or n%i=0, THEN i divides n perfectly
                report = " " + STR(i)
                EXIT                        ' we found lowest divisor get out of loop
            END IF  
    row = n \ 10 + 3                        ' n\10 is our number divided by 10 and rounded down, 
                                            ' call it the tens row offset 3 rows down for title and header and blank line
    column = n % 10 * 2 + 7                 ' <== use MOD to LOCATE the column (*2 column width + 7 row label offset) 
    LOCATE row, column : ? report           ' ? short for print
?:? "O=one is neither prime nor not prime"  ' ?:?"..." print blank line first
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