CALL (p [, var1 [, …, varN])

Invoke a sub or func by address pointer p. Optional var1 to varN variables of every SmallBASIC data type can be passed to function or sub, the address pointer points to.

Example 1: CALL with a subroutine pointer

sub MyPrint(i)
  print i

a = @MyPrint
call a, "test"      ' when using CALL for subroutines,
                    ' please use CALL without brakets

Example 2: CALL with a function pointer

func Increment(i, b)
  return  i + b

x = 1
a = @Increment
y = call(a,x,2)     ' when using CALL for functions,
                    ' please use CALL with brakets
print y

Example 3: CALL with a subroutine pointer and BYREF:

sub Increment(byref i, b)
  i = i + b

x = 1
a = @Increment
call a,x,2
print x

Example 4: Passing function pointer to a function

func Increment(i)
  return i + 1

func Decrement(i)
  return i - 1

func MyFunc(f, i)
  return call(f,i)

a = @Increment
b = @Decrement
x = 2
x = MyFunc(a,x): print x
x = MyFunc(b,x): print x