Perform multiple tests on the expression expr. Offers a more concise syntax to writing successive IF tests. Once a case statement is fullfilled the select-case structure will be exited and all following case statements will not be tested anymore.

See also IF … THEN … ELIF … ELSE … FI structure.

Example 1: Basic select-case expression

x = 12 ' Change value to see what happens
select case x
    case 12
        print "x is 12"
    case 13,14,15
        print "x is 13,14,or 15"
    case else
        print "x is not 12,13,14,15"        
end select

Example 2: Exit of a select structure once a test was successful

x = 2
select case x
    case 2
        print "x is 2"
    case 2
        print "This will never be printed"
end select

Example 3: Use IFF to check a range

x = 4 ' Change value to see what happens
select case x
    case iff(x <= 4, x, x + 1)
        print "x <= 4"
    case iff(x > 4 AND x < 12, x, x + 1)
        print "4 < x < 12"     
end select

Example 4: Using functions

func even(x) 
    local r
    if(x mod 2 == 0 AND x != 0)
        r = x
        r = x + 1
    return r

func uneven(x) 
    local r
    if(x mod 2 != 0)
        r = x
        r = x + 1
    return r

x = 2 ' Change value to see what happens
select case x
    case even(x)
        print "x is even"
    case uneven(x)
        print "x is uneven"
    case else
        print "x is 0"
end select