ARC [STEP] x,y,r,astart,aend [,aspect [,color]] [COLOR color]

Draws an arc:

  • [x, y]: center point
  • r: radius in pixel
  • astart, aend: first anf last angle in radians
  • aspect: aspect ratio
  • color: line color

If STEP is used x and y are a step from the last position of the graphics cursor.

Example 1

x = 100
y = 100
r = 50
astart = 0
aend = rad(90)

ARC x, y, r, astart, aend

Example 2: Using STEP

x = 50
y = 50
r = 50
astart = 0
aend = rad(90)

pset(100,100)                      ' Draw point at 100,100 and set the graphics cursor to 100,100
ARC STEP x, y, r, astart, aend     ' make a step from 100,100 by 50 pixels in x and 50 pixels in y