COLOR foreground-color [, background-color]

Specifies the foreground color foreground-color and the optional background color background-color.

See RGB and RGBF to create colors.

Example 1

color 14, 1
print "Yellow text on blue background"

Example 2: Assigning SmallBASIC standard colors to text

For back = 0 To 7 Do
  text = back Xor 15 ' count down text color (15 to 8)
  Color text, back
  Print Using " FG and BG COLOR: ##, ## "; text, back;
  Color back, text ' reverse colors
  Print Using " FG and BG COLOR: ##, ## "; back, text

Example 3: Assigning RGB-colors to text

Print "Try color printing with some RGB shades"
For shade = 0 To 10
  text = rgb(shade * 25, 0, 0)
  back = rgb(255 - shade * 25, 255 - shade * 25, 255 - shade * 25)
  Color text, back
  Print "Here is black to red on white to black "; shade * 25; ","; 255 - 25 * shade
  Color back, text ' reverse colors
  Print "Here is reverse white to black on black to red."

Example 4: Using RGB and RGBF to draw a magenta filled rectangle with white boarder

color rgb(255, 67, 133)
rect 10, 10, 100, 100 filled  ' filling always with foreground color

color rgbf(1, 1, 1)
rect 10, 10, 100, 100

Example 5: Chart of the 16 SmallBASIC standard colors and their numbers

' Color chart of the 16 SmallBASIC standard colors
' for 0 = black to 15 = bright white
dy = ymax / 16
for i = 0 to 15
  rect 0, i * dy, xmax, i * dy + dy, i filled
  at 0, i * dy : print i;

Example 6

You may include “color_const.bas” file in another file to make your code more clear.

' demo - add these lines to another BAS file:
' ------------------------------------------
'  Include "color_const.bas" ' actuall filename must be lower case for Linux.
'  Circle 200, 200, 50, 1, YELLOW FILLED
'  Color BRIGHT_MAGENTA, BLUE: ? "Bright Magenta on Blue"
' ------------------------------------------
' color_const.bas - COLOR values for characters and pixels:
Const BLACK           = 0
Const BLUE            = 1
Const GREEN           = 2
Const CYAN            = 3
Const RED             = 4
Const MAGENTA         = 5
Const BROWN           = 6
Const WHITE           = 7
Const GRAY            = 8
Const BRIGHT_BLUE     = 9
Const BRIGHT_GREEN    = 10
Const BRIGHT_CYAN     = 11
Const BRIGHT_RED      = 12
Const YELLOW          = 14
Const BRIGHT_WHITE    = 15