n = PEN (value)

Returns pen, mouse or tap data depending on value.

Value Desription
0 True (non zero) if there is a new pen or mouse event
1 x position of last pen down, tap, mouse button down
2 y position of last pen down, tap, mouse button down
3 True if pen is down, mouse left button is pressed or tap
4 Pen, tap: last/current x position, MOUSE: the current x position only if the left mouse button is pressed
5 Pen, tap: last/current y position, MOUSE: the current x position only if the left mouse button is pressed
10 current mouse x pos
11 current mouse y pos
12 true if the left mouse button is pressed
13 true if the right mouse button is pressed
14 true if the middle mouse button is pressed

PEN must be enabled prior to use of this function with Pen ON|OFF

Most important values are 3, 4 and 5. With PEN(3) you will know, if the left mouse button was pressed or the screen was tapped. With PEN(4) and PEN(5) you will get the coordinates of that click or tap. See example 2 and 3.

Example 1: Overview

Print "  Move and click the Pen or Mouse [press Esc to stop]..."
Pen On
Print Using " ####x, ####y";              ' Format for x,y position
While Inkey <> Chr(27) Do                 ' Press Esc key to exit loop
  Locate 3, 0
  print "Pen|Mouse new event:  "; Pen(0)
  print "Pen last down|Mouse down:";: ? Usg; Pen(1), Pen(2)
  print "Pen down|Mouse Left down:  "; Pen(3)
  print "Pen last/current|Mouse Left down:";: ? Usg; Pen(4), Pen(5)
  print "Mouse current:";: ? Usg; Pen(10), Pen(11)
  print "Mouse Left, Middle, Right down: ", Pen(12), Pen(14), Pen(13);

Example 2: Get position of tap or mouse click

pen on

print "Press left mouse button or tab screen. Press q to quit."

    if(pen(3)) then
        PosX = pen(4)
        PosY = pen(5)
        locate 1,0: print "Click/tap at position: " + PosX + " , " + PosY
    k = inkey()
    if(len(k) == 1 AND k == "q") then end

DELAY 20 ms saves CPU and battery in a loop.

Example 3: Press a button

pen on

print "Press left mouse button or tab screen. Press q to quit."

' Define button
button.x = 100
button.y = 100
button.w = 100
button.h = 100


    ' Draw button in dark yellow
    rect button.x, button.y STEP button.w, button.h color 6 filled
    if(pen(3)) then
        PosX = pen(4)
        PosY = pen(5)
        ' Check if the click or tap is inside the button area
        if( (PosX > button.x) and (PosX < button.x + button.w) and (PosY > button.y) and (PosY < button.y + button.h) )
            ' Draw button in red
            rect button.x, button.y STEP button.w, button.h color 12 filled 
    k = inkey()
    if(len(k) == 1 AND k == "q") then end