WINDOW [x1, x2, y2, y1]

Specifies “world” coordinates for the screen. The WINDOW command allows you to redefine the corners of the display screen as a pair of “world” coordinates. The coordinates of the upper-left corner of the screen is given by [x1, y1], the lower-left corner by [x2, y2].

The world space defined by WINDOW is disabled by a WINDOW command without parameters.


' Coordinate system with corners:
' upper-left = [-20,-10]
' lower-right= [ 20, 10] 
x1 = -20
y1 = -10
x2 =  10
y2 =  20

window x1, x2, y2, y1

rect -20, -10 STEP 1, 1, 14 filled    ' Yellow:  upper-left
rect  19, -10 STEP 1, 1, 13 filled    ' Magenta: upper-right
rect  19,   9 STEP 1, 1, 12 filled    ' Red:     lower-right
rect -20,   9 STEP 1, 1, 10 filled    ' Green:   lower-left
circle 0, 0, 1, 1, 15 filled          ' White:   center

WINDOW sub-commands (non-standard)

WINDOW is also overloaded as a function, returning a system object which provides access to the following sub-commands.

alert(message, title)

Display an alert window. The title of the window is title and the context is message.

w = window()
w.alert("This is an alert", "title")

ask(message, title)

Display a prompt window to retrieve a user selection. The choices are “Yes” and “No”. The title of the window is title and the context is message. The answer is stored in the window-object variable answer: 0 for “Yes” and 1 for “No”.

w = window()

w.ask("Yes or no?", "Question")

if w.answer == 0 then
    print "Yes"
    print "No"

graphicsScreen1(), graphicsScreen2()

Select graphics mode screen 1 or 2 for output. When switching to a different screen, the context of the previous screen is stored in RAM. When switching back to the previous screen, the context will be restored.

w = window()

w.graphicsScreen1()                      ' Set output to screen 1
rect 100,100 STEP 100,100, 15 filled

w.graphicsScreen2()                      ' Set output to screen 2
rect 150,150 STEP 100,100, 14 filled

' Switch between both screens, no need to redaw the rectangles
while 1
    b = !b
    if b then 

insetTextScreen(x1, y1, x2, y2)

Insert an area for text output from position [x1, y1] to position [x2, y2]

w = window()
? "How does this look?"
for i = 0 to 200
  ? "This is in the text screen"
next i

Displays a popup menu with the entries option1 to optionN. INKEY will return the number of the selected option starting with 0.

w = window()"option1", "option2", "option3")

select case asc(inkey)
    case 0
      print "one"
    case 1
      print "two"
    case 2
      print "three"
    case else
      print "unk"
end select


Displays a status message str at the bottom of the screen.

w = window()
w.message("Click to continue. ")

setFont(size, unit, bold, italic)

Sets the font size to size. unit can be set to “em” to make size relative to the existing size. Any other value will cause size to be avaluated as pixels. bold can be set to 0 or 1 to enable or disable bold font style. italic can be set to 0 or 1 to enable or disable italic font style.

w = window()

w.setFont(15, "px", 0, 0)
print "Fixed size 15px"

w.setFont(2, "em", 0, 0)
print "Relative size 15px * 2"

w.setFont(15, "px", 1, 0)
print "Fixed size 15px bold"

w.setFont(15, "px", 0, 1)
print "Fixed size 15px italic"

w.setFont(15, "px", 1, 1)
print "Fixed size 15px bold italic"

setLocation(x, y)

Sets the location of the window on the screen. The upper-left corner of the window will be at position [x, y] in pixel.

w = window()
w.setLocation(100, 100)

setSize(w, h)

Sets the width w and height h in pixel of the SmallBASIC window.

w = window()
w.setSize(800, 680)


Raises the virtual keypad on android.

w = window()


Hides the virtual keypad on android.

w = window()


Select the text mode for output. Text mode can display more text but is slow.

w = window()
for i = 0 to 1000
  ? "hello " + i
next for


Returns the active window colour theme.

w = window()
const theme = w.theme
const colBkGnd = theme.background
const colText  = theme.text5
const colFile  = theme.text2
const colDir   = theme.text3
const colText2 = theme.text4
const colNav   = theme.text1
const colNav2  = theme.text6