PAINT [STEP] x, y [,fill-color [,border-color]]
Fills an enclosed area on the graphics screen with the color
. x
and y
are screen
coordinates within the area that is to be filled.
If border-color
is specified then PAINT will fill
outwards until is meets the specified border-color. If the border-color
is not specified then PAINT will fill the area until it meets a color
which is not the original color at [x,y]
. Please note that
border-color needs to be specified using the functions RGB or RGBF.
If the keyword STEP is used, x
and y
the graphics cursor in pixel. The area will be filled starting from this
new position of the graphics cursor.
Example 1: Fill without specified border-color
' draw a diamond shaped polygon
100,100], [150,50], [200,100], [150,200], [100,100]]
polygon = [[color 14
drawpoly polygon
' draw a rectangle on top of the diamond
color 13
rect 120,60,180,180
' fill area inside
color 12
paint 150,130
Example 2: Fill with specified fill-color and border-color
' draw a diamond shaped polygon
100,100], [150,50], [200,100], [150,200], [100,100]]
polygon = [[color 14
drawpoly polygon
' draw a rectangle on top of the diamond
RectColor = color RectColor
rect 120,60,180,180
' fill area inside rect
paint 150,130, 11, RectColor ' Border color needs do be set with RGB(...)
Code samples using PAINT