PSET [STEP] x,y [, color| COLOR color]

Draws a pixel at coordinate x,y with color color. If color is not defined, the current foreground color will be used. If STEP is used, the graphics cursor will be moved by x pixels in x-direction and y pixel in y-direction and then the pixel will be drawn.


color 10                    ' Set foreground color 10
PSET 50,50                  ' Point at 50,50 with foreground color 
PSET 60,60, 11              ' Point at 60,60 with color 11
PSET 70,70 COLOR 12         ' Point at 70,70 with color 12
PSET 80,80, rgb(255,255,0)  ' Point at 80,80 with color yellow
PSET STEP 10,10 COLOR 13    ' Point at 90,90 with color 13