c = a LIKE b

Regular-expression operator. Compares the left part a of the expression with the right side regex pattern b and returns true or false.

  • * matches any sequence of characters (zero or more)
  • ? matches any character
  • [SET] matches any character in the specified set
  • [!SET] or [^SET] matches any character not in the specified set

A set is composed of characters or ranges. A range is defined by character - hyphen - character (as in 0-9 or A-Z). [0-9a-zA-Z_] is the minimal set of characters allowed in the [..] pattern construct. To suppress the special syntactic significance of any of "[]*?!^-\, and match the character exactly, precede it with a \\.

For more information about regular-expressions please see

Option for matching algorithm


PCRE sets as default matching algorithm to (P)erl-(C)ompatible (R)egular (E)xpressions library or back to simple one with SIMPLE.

Example 1

print "Hello" LIKE "*[oO]"                ' Output 1
print "Hello" LIKE "He??o"                ' Output 1
print "Hello" LIKE "hello"                ' Output 0
print "Hello" LIKE "[Hh]*"                ' Output 1
print "-[Hello]-" Like "\\-\\[?*\\]\\-"   ' Output 1